Aaron Templer 3

An unapologetic eclectic.

By day I’m a 20+ year senior marketing professional. I founded and own Three Over Four, a full service, boutique marketing firm that works with people and organizations that have values at their center.

My first book, Leading in a Social World, is available now. You can learn more about that here.

I consult with organizations in the areas of brand, brand management, marketing, strategy, and leadership.

I’m involved with the American Marketing Association as a professional instructor, past president, and volunteer for their national Professional Chapters Council.

I keep a proper resume on LinkedIn.

By night I have a music problem. Some of my current projects:

SF1 Music
Mudra Dance Studio
Mudra Rhythm Section

I also like to spread ideas as a keynote speaker, sitting on and facilitating panels and workshops, and by way of an occasional adjunct faculty gig on the topics of the social web, branding, the creative mind, and marketing communications. More about that here.